As a current or recent Noncredit student, you have access to various resources at our PCC山麓校区 to assist you with your career and/or employment goals. 是否 you’re looking for a short-term or long-term job, have employment-related questions, or need help with career planning, we offer individual appointments with our Noncredit 职业生涯 & 就业服务人员. In addition to one-on-one appointments, we also offer in-person and virtual workshops and events throughout the academic year.

If you need help figuring out which type of service would be best for you, read below to learn about the difference between our 职业生涯 and 工作服务.


If you need to clarify your career and educational goals, our career specialists can 引导你完成探索过程.  你可能会从个人职业中受益 预约服务: 

  • Are unclear, confused, or undecided about your career options
  • Are interested in starting or changing a career
  • Need help figuring out what to do next after completing a class/program
  • Need to figure out how to transition from a career in another country
  • Want to learn about careers that may match your interests and personality
  • Want to learn how to transfer your skills in a different occupation

Meet individually with a 职业生涯 Counselor or 职业生涯 Advisor to define and take the 你职业道路的下一步.  在预约期间,你可以:

  • Use self-assessment tools to get career suggestions
  • Identify your interests, personality, skills, strengths, and values and how they relate 与职业
  • Learn how to use online resources and informational interviews to research occupations
  • Discover career, employment, and education pathways in various industries that match 你的兴趣和目标
  • Get help narrowing down your interests and deciding which career path(s) to pursue
  • Learn what to do with your education and career experience from another country
  • 获取职业规划资源
  • Set goals to begin taking steps into a new career


If you are looking for a job or preparing for an upcoming job search, you may benefit from an individual 工作服务 appointment if you need help with the following areas:

  • Job Direction (Need help figuring out what type of jobs to apply for)
  • How to look for and find job opportunities (job search strategies, networking)
  • 填写工作申请表
  • 简历 
  • 求职信
  • 工作面试
  • 分析 & 接受工作机会
  • 了解典型的招聘 & 美国的入职流程
  • You already have a job (or were offered a job) and have job-related questions

When you meet with a 职业生涯 Counselor, 职业生涯 Advisor, or Job Developer for job search assistance and support services, they may help you:

  • Prepare, plan and organize an effective job search
  • Use strategies, tips, and resources to improve your results
  • Learn how to write professional resumes and cover letters
  • Edit and proofread your applications, resumes, cover letters, and thank you letters
  • Improve your interview skills: preparing and practicing (mock interviews)
  • Follow-up with employers and how to write thank you letters
  • 获得工作机会和招聘活动的推荐
  • Join our private 脸谱网 group to get job search and career related tips, job opening 公告和招聘事件信息.
  • Access, search, and apply for job postings on PCC's online job platform 学院中央网络®

研讨会 & 事件

In addition to our one-on-one appointments, our 职业生涯 & 就业服务团队也提供 group sessions, workshops, and events throughout the semester specifically for Noncredit 学生. Workshop topics we cover include tips on job searching, resume writing, interviewing, how to prepare for job fairs, and more!  我们提供的活动包括雇主 information sessions where recruiters present information about their company, employment 机会和招聘过程. We also offer Noncredit 职业生涯 and 工作服务 Info Sessions to introduce our team and provide information about our services.

Noncredit 学生 are also able to access career services and register for workshops offered through the PCC Freeman Center for 职业生涯 & 完成(在PCC科罗拉多 校区).

If you are a current Noncredit student or recently completed Noncredit courses, you will receive email announcements about upcoming events offered by our 无学分的部门 以及PCC弗里曼职业中心 & 完工(科罗拉多校区). We regularly partner with the PCC Freeman Center to offer job fairs and other events 全年.

Make sure to check your email regularly to stay up-to-date about activities and opportunities that may be useful for your career planning and/or job search.

查看所有工作坊 & 就业中心的活动


Are you a PCC Noncredit student or alumni that recently found a job, started a new career, or transferred to a new academic program?

我们很乐意听到你的消息!  十大靠谱棋牌游戏的非信用职业 & 就业服务处 at: