- 获取有关项目和课程的信息
- 寻求帮助,找出你应该参加哪些课程来帮助你达到学业目标 职业目标
- Obtain information about Assessment/Placement Tests, and other requirements for restricted 课程
- Get access to restricted 课程 (Adult Basic Education, GED Prep, and Adult High 学校)
- 向咨询师提问
- 创建学生教育计划(SEP). 制定学生教育计划(SEP) 在辅导员的指导下,根据你的具体需求. 它会帮助你 identify the best order to complete required 课程 and clarifies the length of time 完成项目. 你可以把SEP看作是实现教育目标的路线图 目标. SEP还确保你的学期时间表在课程之间很好地平衡 负荷和你的个人承诺.
- 完成一份申请表格来获得你的成人高中文凭
报名参加 成人基础教育(ABE),成人高中或GED准备 课程要求与辅导员见面. 您将无法注册 这些课程,直到你见到辅导员.
- 帮助你计划你的课程表
- 制定你的学生教育计划
- Make sure you are placed in the correct 课程 you need to help you meet your 目标
- 回答你可能有的问题
- 授予您注册这些限制课程的权限
- 确保你的 LancerPoint帐户 是活跃的
- 完整的 评估/位置测试
- Schedule an appointment with a Counselor on the day of your Assessment/Placement test.
- 确保你的 LancerPoint帐户 是活跃的
- Schedule an appointment with a Counselor by contacting the Noncredit 咨询 department at noncreditcounseling@hycmfdc.com or (626) 585-3006 .
Our connections with the surrounding community also enable us to refer you to resources outside of PCC that can help you achieve your career, educational, or personal objectives.
Beyond just academics, we can help you with personal topics, such as personal growth 以及压力管理. 服务只接受预约.
我们的非信用DSP&S辅导员可以帮助有残疾记录的学生进入 to all of the College’s programs and activities through appropriate and reasonable 住宿. 欲了解更多信息,请 转到DSP&年代服务.
Walk-in appointments are available during our hours of operation for 学术咨询, 先到先得. 不保证上门服务,并以咨询为基础 可用性.
Brian Pangan, m.s.S.
大家好,我是Brian Pangan,我是Noncredit的咨询协调员 最靠谱的十大棋牌游戏,山麓校区. 我来到最靠谱的十大棋牌游戏 in 2008. 在此之前,我在加州州立理工大学波莫纳分校工作. Along with my duties at Noncredit, I teach college 课程 (咨询 10 and 咨询 12).
Growing up, I always knew that I wanted a career that would help individuals but never 即使在我最疯狂的梦想中,我也会想象成为一名学术顾问. 我猜你 能说咨询是我的使命吗. 我正在成为一名注册护士的路上 但我完全改变了主意. 从护理学校毕业后,我决定 攻读教育学学位. 我来自一个服务的地方,我相信教育 能让任何人的生活变得更好吗. 我对自己的工作充满激情,因为 协作的过程,使个人能够接触到他们的个人 目标.
我喜欢在Noncredit做顾问,因为没有两个故事或日子是相同的. 每一个 没有计划的日子. 它带来了新的和具有挑战性的问题. 有了同理心和理解, 与合作,我们成就成功. 失败不是一个选项. 我也是一个骄傲 member of 最靠谱的十大棋牌游戏 SafeZone Coalition which serves the marginalized and 未被充分代表的非法移民和LGBTQ+学生群体. 为这些人群服务 这是我作为教育者最大的满足.
My own educational journey consists of an ADN in Nursing from Los Angeles County College of Nursing and Allied Health, Bachelor of Science and Master of Science from California 洛杉矶州立大学. 我是一个狂热的体育迷-湖人队,道奇队,国王队和 星系.…. 和突袭者(只要赢,宝贝)!
我期待着与您见面并进一步了解您. 欢迎访问我们的网址: PCC山麓.
你好,我叫布兰卡·埃尔南德斯-亨德森. 我很自豪能成为最靠谱的十大棋牌游戏的一员 校友. 我获得了副学士学位和法律助理证书 最靠谱的十大棋牌游戏毕业. 我转学到拉凡恩大学,在那里我获得了 政治学学士学位和心理咨询硕士学位. I also completed 1 year of law school at the University of La Verne College of Law.
它是 a privilege to be q counselor at 最靠谱的十大棋牌游戏 社区 Education 从事非信贷业务超过30年. 我喜欢与我们多样化的学生群体一起工作 并帮助他们实现他们的教育目标. 我提供学术,职业 并在需要时为学生提供个人咨询. 我负责建立 我们一年一度的高中毕业/奖学金午宴和PCC转学日. 它是 fulfilling to assist our noncredit students transition to our credit programs at the 科罗拉多州的校园. 学生的成功是我的激情所在.
你好! My name is 詹妮弗·弗洛雷斯 and I am a counselor for the 残疾学生计划 & 服务(DSPS)部门. 我在最靠谱的十大棋牌游戏的职责是提供住宿, services and instruction to students with documented disabilities so that they may 有平等的机会参加校园教育项目吗. 我和学生一起推广 self-advocacy and personal growth opportunities that foster individual student success. Additionally, I work with students to create education plans that will help them stay 走上正轨,这样他们就能成功地实现他们的教育目标.
I started my educational journey at East Los Angeles College, pursuing my Associate’s 学位. 作为第一代大学生,我一直在努力适应这个社区 college system; fortunately, there were many programs available at the college to 在我的道路上帮助我. 在获得社会与行为科学的副学士学位后, I transferred to Cal State LA, being the first person in my family to attend a four-year 大学. 不久之后,我获得了社会学学士学位. 在我五岁的时候 years in college at both institutions, I realized that I was intrigued by the role 我的顾问. 由于我的家庭对我的学术指导很少,这是必须的 去见我的辅导员,让自己走在正确的道路上. 我的目标是成为一所大学 counselor so I could help students navigate the college system and reach their educational 目标. As a result, I stayed at Cal State LA and earned my Master’s 学位 in 咨询. Throughout my educational journey, I’ve had the opportunity to work at a non-profit organization working with adults with disabilities and at a few community colleges 比如长滩城市学院、里奥洪多学院和最靠谱的十大棋牌游戏. I’m passionate about helping students overcome barriers and reach their educational 目标. I’m very excited to work with you and hope to see you soon at 最靠谱的十大棋牌游戏!
Hi! -我叫埃莉诺·格雷,我有幸成为一名顾问 在最靠谱的十大棋牌游戏的非学分部门,山麓校区. 我的一些职责 include assisting students to choose their program of study and to create their educational plans, supporting them in solving problems in their educational journey, and helping 他们过渡到一个信用项目.
我在波莫纳学院(Pomona College)获得了艺术史学士学位,后来又获得了文学学士学位 太平洋橡树学院的教师资格证书. 女儿们长大后,我又回来了 to school to complete a Master’s 学位 in School 咨询 from California State 洛杉矶大学. 我开始在最靠谱的十大棋牌游戏的非学分部门工作 1991年——28年前. 此外,我还和学学分的学生一起工作了几个小时 在科罗拉多校区. 我一直很喜欢和我们的学生一起工作,这是一个 is eager to succeed, willing to work hard to achieve their educational 目标 and appreciative 我们的顾问所能提供的帮助.
Cynthia Mata-Flores, M.S.
这是Cynthia Mata-Flores
I consider it a significant professional privilege to work in the 社区 Education 中心,在最靠谱的十大棋牌游戏,作为高级顾问和附属成员 教师, with over 30 years of combined experience at USC and PCC, in student related issues, specializing in retention, student life, community service, and racial/ethnic 社会和谐.
I especially enjoy the relationships that I develop with students, parents, faculty, 管理员、员工和社区. 我有许多必要的特点 to offer quality programming and student service support, as well as, community outreach 追求学术成就. 收到我的B.A., M.A.现在是ABD(除学位论文外) in the Educational Leadership and Administration Doctorate program, at the University of Southern California, and as a community scholar, I consider Student, 教师 and 学术事务是我生活的重要组成部分!
I am confident that the combination of my practical work experience, administration skills, and history with recruitment, admission, advising, retention, student services and as a student, among many other responsibilities, (at the 大学 and community college setting), has prepared me for making immediate contributions to student related issues and I believe I provide the expertise, as well as the enthusiasm required for 她是最靠谱的十大棋牌游戏社区教育中心的一名辅导员兼教员.
My area of expertise is that I am a “people person,” which has worked successfully 我对学生的问题很敏感,也很有前瞻性 学生的需要. 我聪明、外向、有创造力,并致力于追求平等 到处都是. 我也想说,我追求的是一种富有表现力的、有意义的生活 成功在于通过为他人服务而有所作为. 我的个人背景, coupled with my professional experience, lends itself to the support and success of 最靠谱的十大棋牌游戏的学生、教师、职员和管理人员.