Medical Emergency
Read the college's Aerosol Transmissible Disease (ATD) Plan
If a serious injury or illness occurs on campus:
- You should immediately call 911 and Pasadena City College (PCC) 警察 at (626) 585-7484. PCC 警察 Officers and Cadets are trained in first aid and CPR and have access to AEDs (Automated External Defibrillators). You should give your name and describe the nature and severity of the medical problem. Additionally, you should inform them of the location on campus where the victim is. You should never attempt to transport a seriously injured or ill person to the hospital 你自己.
- In this situation, you should not panic but assess the situation. You should look for an emergency medical identification card (ID) and question witnesses.
- You should ask the victim, “Are you okay?”, and, “What is wrong?”
- Try to keep the victim still and comfortable. DO NOT MOVE VICTIM unless there is a life-threatening situation (e.g., room on fire, toxic fumes).
- You should check the breathing and give artificial respiration if necessary.
- Serious bleeding can be controlled by applying direct pressure on the wound.
- You should continue to assist the victim until help arrives.
- Provide all information to the police or medical personnel.
- All injuries should be reported to supervisors or faculty as soon as possible.
Below is a list of signs and symptoms that may indicate a serious injury or illness that may require immediate medical attention:
- 是无意识的.
- Has trouble breathing, shortness of breath.
- Is not breathing.
- Has no signs of circulation (no pulse).
- Has persistent chest pain (lasting 3-5 minutes or longer).
- Has pain in the abdomen.
- Has pain in either arm that spreads to the shoulder, neck, or jaw.
- Has severe bleeding that does not stop.
- Has deep burns to the face and neck.
- 有癫痫发作.
- Is vomiting blood.
- Has an injury to the head.
- Has an open fracture to the femur (thigh bone broken and sticking out of skin).
- Has fallen greater than 10 feet.
- Is in shock (skin pale; cold to touch, possibly moist or clammy; weakness; rapid pulse; increased breathing rate, may be shallow or deep and irregular).